并联公理 axiom of union公理系统(型) axiom system (schema)公理式的方法;公设式的方法 axiomatic method公理化的集合论 axiomatic set theory公理系统;公理学 axiomatics公理主义 axiomatism轴 axis轴曲线 axis curve二次曲线的轴 axis of a conic柱轴 axis of a cylinder平面束的轴 axis of a pencil of planes二次曲面的轴 axis of a quadric横坐标轴 axis of abscissas仿射轴 axis of affinity收敛轴 axis of convergence坐标轴 axis of coordinates曲率轴 axis of curvature透射轴 axis of homology虚轴 axis of imaginaries纵坐标轴 axis of ordinates透视轴 axis of perspectivity射影轴 axis of projection实轴 axis of reals参考轴 axis of reference回转轴 axis of revolution 语际翻译 版权所有
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