- 数学专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 单值化覆盖面 uniformizing covering surface
- 单值化函数 uniformizing function
- 一致有界的 uniformly bounded
- 一致有界函数序列 uniformly bounded sequence of functions
- 一致有界级数 uniformly bounded series
- 一致有界集 uniformly bounded set
- 一致连续的 uniformly continuous
- 一致连续映射 uniformly continuous map
- 一致收敛的 uniformly convergent
- 一致收敛函数序列 uniformly convergent sequence of functions
- 一致凸的 uniformly convex
- 一致凸空间 uniformly convex space
- 均匀分布随机变量 uniformly distributed random variable
- 一致椭圆算子 uniformly elliptic operator
- 一致同等连续的 uniformly equicontinuous
- 一致等价度量 uniformly equivalent metric
- 一致等价空间 uniformly equivalent space
- 一致可积的 uniformly integrable
- 一致局部紧空间 uniformly locally compact space
- 一致最大功效检定 uniformly most powerful test
- 一致开映射 uniformly open map
- 一致强椭圆算子 uniformly strongly elliptic operator
- 一致可积函数族 uniformly summable family of functions
- 单侧的 unilateral
- 单侧曲面 unilateral surface