- 数学专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 刚性定理 rigidity theorem
- 严格解 rigorous solution
- 环 ring
- 环公理 ring axioms
- 环扩张 ring extension
- 环生成元 ring generator
- 环同态 ring homomorphism
- 自同态环 ring of endomorphisms
- 形式幂级数环 ring of formal power series
- 整数环 ring of integers
- 矩阵环 ring of matrices
- 数环 ring of numbers
- 算子环 ring of operators
- 商环 ring of quotients
- 基环 ring of scalars
- 算子环 ring with operators
- 环式空间 ringed space
- 增量 rise
- 风险函数 risk function
- 风险点 risk point
- 里兹的方法 ritz method
- 罗宾常数 robin constant
- 坚固统计量 robust statistics
- 坚固检定 robust test
- 坚固性 robustness