- 数学专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 格序群 lattice ordered group
- 边界格点 lattice point at the boundary
- 格论的 lattice theoretic
- 格论 lattice theory
- 格同态 latticehomomorphism
- 通径 latus rectum
- 劳卮方程 laue's equations
- 罗郎级数 laurent series
- 法则 law
- 交换律 law of commutation
- 合成律 law of composition
- 余弦定律 law of cosines
- 演绎定律 law of deduction
- 双重否定律 law of double negation
- 误差律 law of errors
- 排中律 law of excluded middle
- 指数定律 law of exponentiation
- 惯性律 law of inertia
- 迭对数定律 law of iterated logarithm
- 大数定律 law of large numbers
- 相似变换律 law of similarity transformation
- 正弦定律 law of sines
- 小数定律 law of small numbers
- 正切定律 law of tangents
- 整指数定律 laws of integral exponents