- 数学专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 特锗项式 characteristic polynomial
- 庞德里雅金特正 characteristic pontrjagin number
- 特争 characteristic root
- 特毡纹曲面 characteristic ruled surface
- 特招 characteristic series
- 特寨 characteristic set
- 特宅 characteristic state
- 特狰 characteristic strip
- 特沼群 characteristic subgroup
- 特怔面 characteristic surface
- 矩阵的特盏 characteristic value
- 特镇量 characteristic vector
- 电荷 charge
- 图 chart
- 切比雪夫函数 chebyshev function
- 切比雪夫不等式 chebyshev inequality
- 切比雪夫多项式 chebyshev polynomial
- 校验 check
- 检验位 check digit
- 检验程序 check routine
- 检查和 check sum
- 歇互莱群 chevalley group
- 分布 chi square distribution
- 检验 chi squared test
- 拟合优度检验 chi squared test of goodness of fit