- 统计学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 分层一段抽样 stratified one stage sampling
- 分层立意样本 stratified purposive sample
- 分层立意抽样 stratified purposive sampling
- 分层随机样本 stratified random sample
- 分层随机抽样 stratified random sampling
- 分层样本 stratified sample
- 分层抽样 stratified sampling
- 层 stratum
- 无回应层 stratum of nonrespondents
- 层内变异数 stratum variance
- 来源分析 stream analysis
- 强度分布 strength distribution
- 检定的强度 strength of a test
- 应力分布 stress distribution
- 严格凸函数;狭义凸函数 strictly convex function
- 严格受制于 strictly dominated
- 强平稳过程 strictly;stationary process
- 强完备性 strong completeness
- 强大数法则 strong law of large numbers
- 强一致估计量 strongly consistent estimator
- 强分布不拘的 strongly distribution free
- 强单峰的 strongly unimodal
- 结构方程式 structural equation
- 结构参数 structural parameter
- 结构性失业 structural unemployment