- 统计学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 合理批 rational lot
- 合理样本 rational sample
- 合理趋势 rational trend
- 原始数据 raw data
- 原料检验 raw material inspection
- 原始动差 raw moment
- 原始计分 raw score
- Rayleigh分布;Rayleigh分配 Rayleigh distribution
- Rayleigh检定 Rayleigh tests
- 实质利率 real interest rate
- 实质国民所得 real national income
- 实质工资指数 real wage index
- 实现值 realization
- 公库收支 receipt and outlays of treasury
- 收方小中取大原则 receiver's maximin principle
- 验收检验 receiving inspection
- 倒数变换 reciprocal transformation
- 重组机率 recombination probability
- 记录;录 record
- 记录检定 records tests
- 资讯重现 recovery of information
- 恢复时间 recovery time
- 娱乐统计 recreation statistics
- 矩形相联方案 rectangular association scheme
- 矩形分布;矩形分配 rectangular distribution