- 统计学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- Pearson准则 Pearson criterion
- Pearson曲线 Pearson curve
- Pearson偏态量度;Pearson偏度 Pearson measure of skewness
- Pearson卡方检定 Pearson's chi-squared test
- Pearson列联系数 Pearson's contingency coefficient
- Pearson卡方分布;Pearson卡方分配 Pearson's X2 distribution
- Pearson-Durbin比 Pearson-Durbin ratio
- Peek不等式 Peek's inequality
- 五相关组准则 pentad criterion
- 平均每人国民生产毛额 per capita gross national product (per capita GNP)
- 平均每人国民所得 per capita national income (per capita NI )
- 百分率;百分比 percentage
- 不良率 percentage defective
- 百分数图 percentage diagram
- 百分数分布 percentage distribution
- 百分数误差 percentage error
- 有效安置就业率 percentage of active applicants placed
- 有效求才利用率 percentage of active job openings filled
- 百分点 percentage point
- 百分点标准差;变异系数 percentage standard deviation
- 百分位数 percentile
- 百分位数等级 percentile rank
- 渗透过程 percolation process
- 完全相关 perfect correlation
- 功能特征 performance characteristic