时差相关 lag correlation时差互变异数 lag covariance时差异常现象 lag hysteresis时差回归 lag regression前期内生变数 lagged endogenous variableLagrange乘数检定 Lagrange multiplier testLaguerre多项式 Laguerre polynomialsλ分布;λ分配 lambda distributionsλ准则 lambda-criterion (λ criterion)λ图 lambdagramLancaster卡方分割 Lancaster's partition of chi-squares土地统计 land statisticsLaplace分布;Laplace分配 Laplace distributionLaplace变换 Laplace transformLaplace接续法则 Laplace's law of successionLaplace定理 Laplace's theoremLaplace-Lévy定理 Laplace-Lévy theorem大离差理论 large deviation theory大批 large lot大样本 large sample最大概度估计量的大样本分布 large sample distribution of maximum likelihood estimator
大样本理论 large sample theory拉氏公式 Laspeyres' formula拉氏指数 Laspeyres' index后到先服务 last come first served 语际翻译 版权所有
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