- 统计学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- Gram准则 Gram's criterion
- Gram-CharlierA型级数 Gram-Charlier series type A
- Gram-Charlier B型级数 Gram-Charlier series type B
- Gram-Charlier C型级数 Gram-Charlier series type C
- 总平均数 grand average
- 总平均数 grand mean
- 总计 grand total
- 图示 graphic representation
- 图形估计量 graphical estimator
- Grenander不确定性原则 Grenander's uncertainty principle
- 网格;格子 grid
- 网格抽样;格子抽样 grid sampling
- 毛额 gross
- 实征毛额 gross amount of actual collection
- 平均所得毛额统计 gross average earning statistics
- 资本形成毛额 gross capital formation
- 国内生产毛额 gross domestic product (GDP)
- 按要素成本计算的国内生产毛额 gross domestic products at factor cost
- 按市价计算的国内生产毛额 gross domestic products at market price
- 固定资本形成毛额 gross fixed capital formation
- 所得总额 gross income
- 国民生产毛额 gross national product (GNP)
- 按固定价格计算的国民生产毛额 gross national product at constant prices
- 毛贸易条件 gross terms of trade
- 组;群;类 group