- 统计学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 信赖水准 confidence level
- 信赖界限 confidence limit
- 信赖全距 confidence range
- 信赖区域 confidence regions
- 信赖集合 confidence set
- 形相 configuration
- 样本形相 configuration of sample
- 汇合分析 confluence analysis
- 汇合关系 confluent relation
- 混同的;交络的 confounding
- 混同因子实验 confounding factorial experiment
- 共轭族 conjugate family
- (事前)分布的共轭族 conjugate family of (prior) distributions
- 共轭拉丁方格 conjugate Latin squares
- 共轭事前分布;共轭事前分配 conjugate prior distribution
- 共轭分级 conjugate ranking
- 共轭标准方格 conjugate standard square
- 连接设计 connected design
- 民意法 consensus method
- 保守信赖区间 conservative confidence interval
- 稳定过程 conservative process
- 保守检定 conservative test
- 一致性 consistence
- 一致性检定 consistence test
- 一致性 consistency