- 统计学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 协合系数 coefficient of concordance
- 一致性系数 coefficient of consistence
- 一致性系数 coefficient of consistence
- 列联系数 coefficient of contingency
- 相关系数 coefficient of correlation
- 判定系数;决定系数 coefficient of determination
- 无序系数 coefficient of disarray
- 无序系数 coefficient of disarray
- 散布系数 coefficient of dispersion
- 干扰系数 coefficient of distrubancy
- 干扰系数;扰乱系数 coefficient of disturbancy
- 离散系数 coefficient of divergence
- 离散系数 coefficient of divergence
- 弹性系数 coefficient of elasticity
- 超量系数 coefficient of excess
- 超额系数 coefficient of excess
- 遗传系数 coefficient of heredity
- 个别系数 coefficient of individuality
- 组间相关系数 coefficient of interclass correlation
- 峰度系数;峰态系数 coefficient of kurtosis
- 相似性系数 coefficient of likeness
- 复相关系数 coefficient of multiple correlation
- 复回归系数 coefficient of multiple regression
- 净相关系数 coefficient of net correlation
- 净回归系数 coefficient of net regression