协合系数 coefficient of concordance一致性系数 coefficient of consistence一致性系数 coefficient of consistence列联系数 coefficient of contingency相关系数 coefficient of correlation判定系数;决定系数 coefficient of determination无序系数 coefficient of disarray无序系数 coefficient of disarray散布系数 coefficient of dispersion干扰系数 coefficient of distrubancy干扰系数;扰乱系数 coefficient of disturbancy离散系数 coefficient of divergence离散系数 coefficient of divergence弹性系数 coefficient of elasticity超量系数 coefficient of excess超额系数 coefficient of excess遗传系数 coefficient of heredity个别系数 coefficient of individuality组间相关系数 coefficient of interclass correlation峰度系数;峰态系数 coefficient of kurtosis相似性系数 coefficient of likeness复相关系数 coefficient of multiple correlation复回归系数 coefficient of multiple regression净相关系数 coefficient of net correlation净回归系数 coefficient of net regression 语际翻译 版权所有
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