- 统计学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 贝氏分析 Bayesian analysis
- 贝氏信赖区间 Bayesian confidence intervals
- 贝氏推论 Bayesian inference
- 贝氏区间估计 Bayesian interval estimation
- 贝氏模型 Bayesian model
- 贝氏机率点 Bayesian probability point
- Neyman分配的Beall-Rescia推广 Beall-Rescia generalization of Neyman's distribution
- Bechhofer无差异区域的构成 Bechhofer's indifference zone formulation
- Bechhofer无差异区域法 Bechhofer's indifference zone method
- 行为方程式 behavior equation
- 行为决策函数 behavioral decision function
- 行为参数 behavioristic parameter
- Behrens方法 Behrens method
- Behrens-Fisher问题 Behrens-Fisher problem
- Behrens-Fisher检定 Behrens-Fisher test
- Bell-Doksum检定 Bell-Doksum test
- 钟形曲线 bell-shaped curve
- 钟形分布;钟形分配 bell-shaped distribution
- Bellman最适性原则 Bellman's principle of optimality
- Bellman-Harris过程 Bellman-Harris process
- Beran检定 Beran's tests
- 纯自然增加率 bereinigte Lebensbilany
- 纯自然死亡率 bereinigte Sterbeziffer
- Berge不等式 Berge's inequality
- Berkson线 Berksonian line