- 计量学编译词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 屏幕显示单元 screen display unit
- 屏幕显示单元 screen display unit
- 屏幕软片 screen film
- 屏幕软片 screen film
- 屏幕指示 screen indication
- 屏幕指示 screen indication
- 萤光屏保留[时间] screen persistence
- 萤光屏保留[时间] screen persistence
- 萤光屏读值 screen reading
- 萤光屏读值 screen reading
- 屏蔽电缆 screened cable
- 屏蔽电缆 screened cable
- 屏蔽 screening
- 屏蔽 screening
- 屏蔽常数 screening constant
- 屏蔽常数 screening constant
- 屏蔽效应 screening effect
- 屏蔽效应 screening effect
- 干扰屏蔽 screening of interference
- 干扰屏蔽 screening of interference
- 刻度测径计 scribing calipers
- 刻度测径计 scribing calipers
- 密封射源 sealed source
- 密封射源 sealed source
- 搜索电路 search circuit