- 计量学编译词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 离线作业;离线运算 off-line operation
- 偏置频率 off-set frequency
- 偏置频率 off-set frequency
- 场外维修 off-site maintenance
- 场外维修 off-site maintenance
- 制外单位 off-system unit
- 制外单位 off-system unit
- 量测制外单位 off-system unit of measurement
- 量测制外单位 off-system unit of measurement
- 度量衡机构 office of weights and measures
- 度量衡机构 office of weights and measures
- 抵销;补偿;偏移;偏位 offset
- 抵销;补偿;偏移;偏位 offset
- 补偿特性 offset characteristic
- 补偿特性 offset characteristic
- 抵销标准 offset standard
- 抵销标准 offset standard
- 偏置电压 offset voltage
- 偏置电压 offset voltage
- 厂外 offsite
- 厂外 offsite
- 欧姆{电阻单位} ohm
- 欧姆{电阻单位} ohm
- 欧姆安培计 ohm ammeter
- 欧姆安培计 ohm ammeter