- 高分子物理词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 半衰期 half life period
- 低聚物 half polymer
- 半结晶期 half-crystallization time
- 头尾顺序 head-tail sequence
- 头接聚合物 head-to-head polymer 头-
- 头接 head-to-head 头-
- 尾接聚合物 head-to-tail polymer 头-
- 耐热性 heat endurance
- 热膨胀 heat expansion
- 结晶热 heat of crystallization
- 溶解热 heat of solution
- 耐热性 heat resistance
- 耐热聚合物 heat-resistant polymer
- 异相成核 heterogeneous nucleation
- 高弹形变 high elastic deformation
- 高弹性橡胶 high elastic rubber
- 高弹性 high elasticity
- 高聚物 high polymer
- 高聚物电解质 high polymeric polyelectrolyte
- 高密度聚乙烯 high-density polyethylene
- 高温稳定性 high-temperature stability
- 高度支化链 highly branched chain
- 全规整 holotactic
- 虎克弹性 Hookean elasticity
- 虎克弹簧 Hookean spring
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