- 纺织科技专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 紧纬 fast pick
- 紧毛绒 fast pile
- 固定板 fast plate
- 牢度印花染料 fast printing dye
- 固定皮带盘;定轮 fast pulley
- 固定筘,死筘,呆筘 fast reed
- 坚牢红色显色基 fast scarlet base
- 坚牢羊毛染色 fast wool dyeing
- 快干粘合剂 fast-drying binder
- 急弹性变形 fast-elastic deformation
- 固色 fasten
- 固定皮带盘 fastened pulley
- 紧固体夹持器;扣合物 fastener
- 坚牢度 fastness
- 坚牢性 fastness property
- 坚牢度评估 fastness rating
- 坚牢度试验 fastness test
- 耐磨损坚牢度 fastness to abrasion
- 耐酸缩绒坚牢度 fastness to acid milling
- 耐酸性汗渍坚牢度 fastness to acid perspiration
- 耐酸渍坚牢度 fastness to acid spotting
- 耐酸坚牢度 fastness to acids
- 耐空气坚牢度 fastness to air
- 耐碱性汗渍坚牢度 fastness to alkali perspiration
- 耐碱坚牢度 fastness to alkalis