- 哺乳动物学英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 内掌垫 thenar pad
- 内掌隆凸 thenar tours
- 可可[生佥] theobromine
- 茶叶[生佥] theophylline
- 学说 theory
- 更替显性说 theory of alternative dominance
- 融合遗传说 theory of blending inheritance
- 巨变论 theory of catastrophism
- 起源中心说 theory of center of origin
- 创化论;创造演化说 theory of creative evolution
- 后成说 theory of epigenesis
- 染色体组说 theory of genome
- 生殖质连续说 theory of germplasm continuity
- 后天性质遗传说 theory of inheritance of acquired characters
- 镶嵌视觉论 theory of mosaic vision
- 泛生论 theory of pangenesis
- 重演说 theory of recapitulation
- 选择生长说 theory of selective growth
- 种族特性说 theory of species specificity
- 用进废退说 theory of use and disuse
- 治疗的 therapeutic
- 治疗量 therapeutic dose
- 治疗效果 therapeutic effect
- 治疗指数 therapeutic index
- 治疗血清 therapeutic sera