- 哺乳动物学英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 不活性化;灭能作用 inactivation
- X染色体减能假说 inactive X hypothesis (Lyon hypothesis)
- 无生气;无生命 inanimate
- 先天性代谢错误 inborn errors of metabolism
- 先天性反射 inborn reflex
- 自交 inbreed
- 近亲交配 inbreeding
- 近交衰退 inbreeding depression
- 牢固胎盘 incarcerated placenta
- 门齿状 incisiform
- 门齿的 incisive
- 门齿骨 incisive bone
- 门齿管 incisive duct; incisor canaliculus
- 门齿孔 incisive foramen
- 门齿管 incisor canaliculus; incisive duct
- 门齿乳突 incisor papilla
- 门齿 incisor; dentis incisivi
- 角状切痕 incisura angularis
- 髁间切痕 incisura intercondyloidea
- 颈静脉切痕;颈静脉切迹 incisura jugularis
- 顶切痕;顶切迹 incisura parietalis
- 切痕;切迹 incisura; incisure
- 倾斜 inclination
- 骨盘倾斜 inclination of pelvis; inclinatio pelvis