- 哺乳动物学英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 镜文蛤亚科 Dosiniinae
- 点背鱼类(拟雀鲷类) dottybacks
- 双盲试验 double blind experiments
- 双杂交 double cross
- 双重分解 double decomposition
- 双重受精 double fertilization
- 双螺旋 double helix
- 连体婴 double monster
- 复式循环 double type of circulation
- 绿双冠蜥 Double-crested Basilisk; Jesus Christ Lizards; Green Basilisk; Plumed Basilisk; Basiliscus plumiforns
- 冲洗法(避孕方式之一) douche; as method of contraception
- 绒羽 down feather; plumule; downy
- 唐氏症侯群;21-三体蒙古痴呆先天性疾病 Down's syndrome
- 调降 down-regulation
- 圭亚那凯门鳄蜥 Dracaena guianensis ; Guyana Caiman Lizard
- 飞蜥 draco
- 裸耳飞蜥 Draco blandifordi ; Blandford's Flying Dragon
- 南极渊龙鰧类 dragonfishes; Antarctic
- 蜻蛉;豆娘 dragonflies
- 长吻松鼠(属) Dremomys
- 长吻松鼠 Dremomys pernyi
- 条纹帘鲷 Drepane longimana
- 斑点帘鲷;斑点鸡笼鲳 Drepane punctata
- 钩蛾科;鸡笼鲳科 DREPANIDAE