有机选择说 theory of organic selection物种 起源说 theory of origin of species泛生说 theory of pangenesis发育阶段说 theory of phasic development胚胎系统发育说 theory of phylembryogenesis原生质说 theory of plasma机率说;或然率说 theory of probabilities(生物发育)重演说 theory of recapitulation选择说;淘汰说 theory of selection选择生长说 theory of selection growth溶胶-凝胶 theory of sol-gel transformation型特殊化说 theory of specialization of type四核苷酸说 theory of tetranucleotide染色体组说 theory of the genome二点接着说 theory of two-point attachment(演化学说中的)用进废退说;用与不用说 theory of use and disuse细胞生成学说 theoty of cell lineage朝鲜藓属(短颈藓科) Theriotia朝鲜藓 Theriotia lorifolia Card.起因于动物的递变 therium温度适应 thermal adaptation温泉细菌 thermal bacteria热平衡 thermal balance热容量 thermal capacity热柱 thermal column 语际翻译 版权所有
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