- 生物学名词(植物部分)专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 龙骨瓣 keel;carina
- 龙骨瓣 keel;carina
- 龙骨瓣 keel;carina
- 龙骨瓣 keel;carina
- 有菱的 keeled;ridged like the bottom of a boat
- 有菱的 keeled;ridged like the bottom of a boat
- 有菱的 keeled;ridged like the bottom of a boat
- 有菱的 keeled;ridged like the bottom of a boat
- 有菱的 keeled;ridged like the bottom of a boat
- 有菱的 keeled;ridged like the bottom of a boat
- 贮藏物质 keeping quality
- 贮藏物质 keeping quality
- 贮藏物质 keeping quality
- 贮藏物质 keeping quality
- 贮藏物质 keeping quality
- 贮藏物质 keeping quality
- 金钟叶炫f菌 Keithia thujina Durand;keithia disease of Thuja stendi-shii Can;leaf blight of Thuja stendi-shii cCan;needle spot of Thuja stendi-shii Can;
- 金钟叶炫f菌 Keithia thujina Durand;keithia disease of Thuja stendi-shii Can;leaf blight of Thuja stendi-shii cCan;needle spot of Thuja stendi-shii Can;
- 金钟叶炫f菌 Keithia thujina Durand;keithia disease of Thuja stendi-shii Can;leaf blight of Thuja stendi-shii cCan;needle spot of Thuja stendi-shii Can;
- 金钟叶炫f菌 Keithia thujina Durand;keithia disease of Thuja stendi-shii Can;leaf blight of Thuja stendi-shii cCan;needle spot of Thuja stendi-shii Can;
- 金钟叶炫f菌 Keithia thujina Durand;keithia disease of Thuja stendi-shii Can;leaf blight of Thuja stendi-shii cCan;needle spot of Thuja stendi-shii Can;
- 金钟叶炫f菌 Keithia thujina Durand;keithia disease of Thuja stendi-shii Can;leaf blight of Thuja stendi-shii cCan;needle spot of Thuja stendi-shii Can;
- 大海带;昆布类;大类藻(名医别录);海带(嘉佑本草) kelp;Laminaria japonica Aresch
- 大海带;昆布类;大类藻(名医别录);海带(嘉佑本草) kelp;Laminaria japonica Aresch
- 大海带;昆布类;大类藻(名医别录);海带(嘉佑本草) kelp;Laminaria japonica Aresch