胭脂树科 bixa famity; Bixaceae胭脂树 Bixa orellane L; anattotree; achote(西班牙);achitl(墨西哥);achiot achuete(菲律宾)胭脂树科 Bixaceae; arnotto; bixa family黑色碱土 black alkaline紫竹 black bamboo; Phyllostachys nigra Munro黑色土壤 black earth; black soil黑点米 black eye-spot of grains; Bacterium atroviridigenum Miyake et Tsunoda(蔬菜的)心腐病 black heart刺槐;洋槐 black locust; Robinia pseudoacacia L.海茄苳 black mangrove; Avicennia marina Vierh.天蓝 black medick; hop clover; yellow trefoil; Medicago luplina L.黑霉;黑曲 black mold; Aspergillus niger van Tieghen黑芥 black mustard; Brassica nigra Koch藊豆 black pea; Dolichos黑稻;鸟稻 black rice茄子黑腐病 black rot of the eggplant; Corynespora melongenae Takimoto (Helminthosporium sp.)黑蚀米 black rot of the rice grains; Xanthomonas itoana Dowson甘藷黑斑病 black rot of the sweet potato; Ceratocystis fimbricate Elliot粗蔺 black rush; bass; Scirpus lacustris L. var. digynus Gren.et Godr.黑海中亚植物区系区 Black Sea-Central Asiatic floral region变豆菜(救荒) black snake-root; Sanicula黑色土壤;黑土 black soil; black earth红茶 black tea黑胡桃 black walnut; Juglans nigra L.黑栲皮树 black wattle; Acacia mollissima Willd.语际翻译 版权所有
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