- 生物学名词(植物部分)专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 甜菜白腐病菌 Bacillus betivorus Takimoto; Eroinia betivorus (Takimoto)Magrou;soft rot of the sugar beet
- 乳酪杆菌 Bacillus butyri
- 乳酪萤光杆菌 Bacillus butyri fluorescens Ford.
- 酪酸杆菌 Bacillus butyricus
- 鞘膜杆菌 Bacillus capsulatus
- 蒟蒻腐败病菌 Bacillus carotovorus Jones var konjac Nakata
- 马铃薯腐败病菌 Bacillus carotovorus L.J.Jones; Erwinia auoideae (Townsend)Holland
- 玉蜀黍烧病菌 Bacillus cloacae Jordan B.zeae (Burril) Comes
- 桑缩叶病菌 Bacillus cubonianus Macchiatti; bacterial blight of the mulberry;Bacterium mori Boyer et Llambert;Pseudomonas mori (Boyer et Lambert) Stevens
- 楮树立炫f菌 Bacillus edgeworthiae Hori et Bokura;Erwinia edgeworthiae (Hori et Bokura) Magrou
- 杞柳黑炫f菌 Bacillus harae Hori et Miytabe; bacterial twig blight of the basketosier;black death disease of the basketosier;Erwinia harae (Hori et Miyabe) Okabe
- 大麦褐斑病菌 Bacillus hordei Hori
- 茶树赤烧病菌 Bacillus hteae Hori et Bokura; red blight of the tea tree; Pseudomonas theae Okabe et Goto
- 蚕豆褐点病菌 Bacillus lathyri Mannes et Taubenhaus; bacterial leaf spot of the broad bean; Erwinia lathyri (M.et T.) Holland
- 烟草白斑病菌 Bacillus maculicolus Delacroix;Pseudomonas maculicola (McCulloch) Stevens;Aplanobacter maculicolus (Delacroix)Elliot
- 瑞典油菜斑点病菌 Bacillus oleraceae Harrison; leaf sopt of the rape
- 马铃薯黑脚病菌 Bacillus phytophthorus Appel; black leg disease of the potato
- 甘蔗茎腐病菌 Bacillus sacchari Roldan; bacterial stem rot of the sugar cane
- 日本酒腐败杆菌 Bacillus saprogens
- 胡麻黑炫f菌 Bacillus seasami Malk.
- 马铃薯湿腐病菌 Bacillus solaniperdus Migula
- "炫馍黖? " Bacillus subtilis Ehrenberg
- 结核杆菌 Bacillus tuberculosis
- 伤寒杆菌 Bacillus typhi graffky; bacillus of typhoid fever
- 甘蔗黏胶病菌 Bacillus vasculorus Cobb; Cobb`s bacterial wilt of the sugar cane; gumming bacterial wilt of the sugar cane; gumming bacterial wilt of the sugar cane; Xanthomonas vasculorum (Cobb)Smith