- 金山词霸用户词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 目标种 target species
- 靶专一性 target specificity
- 靶与非靶比:靶与非靶器官放射性强度比 target to non target ratio
- 靶 非靶比值 target to nontarget ratio
- 靶值 target value
- 向靶给药法 targetable drug delivery
- 靶向药物 targeted drug
- 射靶疗法 targeted therapy
- 药物的靶向作用 targeting of drugs
- 塔兰(氏)筋膜:齿状回 Tarin s fascia
- 塔兰(氏)孔:岩大神经管裂孔 Tarin s foramen
- 塔兰(氏)窝:脚间窝 Tarin s fossa
- 塔兰(氏)窝:脚间窝 Tarin s space
- 塔兰(氏)带:终纹 Tarin s taenia
- 塔兰(氏)瓣:尾髓帆 Tarin s valve
- 泰利必妥(氟嗪酸) Tarivid
- 泰利必妥片 tarivid tablets
- 塔尔洛夫(氏)囊肿:同 perineurial cyst Tarlov s cyst
- 失去光泽 tarn tarnish
- 塔尼埃(氏)碎颅器:压碎胎儿头颅的器械 Tarnier s baseilyst
- 塔尼埃(氏)碎颅器 Tarnier s basiotribe
- 塔尼埃(氏)阴道扩张袋:以充气囊扩张子宫颈管的橡皮袋 Tarnier s colpeurynter
- 塔尼埃(氏)子宫扩张器 Tarnier s dilator for eclampsia
- 塔尼埃(氏)钳:轴牵引钳 Tarnier s forceps
- 塔尼埃(氏)征:妊娠时 Tarnier s sign