- 金山词霸用户词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 片剂胶囊剂稀释剂,片丸稀释剂 tablet and capsule diluent
- 片剂粘合剂及包衣剂 tablet binder and coating agent
- 压片机 tablet compressing machine
- 数片机 tablet counter
- 药片消化测试仪 tablet digestion tester
- 药片崩解测试仪 tablet disintegrating tester
- 片剂粉碎机 tablet grinder
- 片剂硬度 tablet hardness
- 压片机,打片机 tablet machine
- 片剂的斑点 tablet mottling
- 压片机 tablet press
- 药片磨损测试仪 tablet rubbing and lossing tester
- 模印片 tablet triturate
- 食用醋 tablet vinegar
- 片重差异容限 tablet weight variation tolerances
- 压片 tabletting
- 压片机 tabletting machine
- 压片机 tabletting press
- 禁忌字,忌讳语 tabooed words
- 脊髓痨(性)麻痹性痴呆 taboparalysis
- 片剂 tabs tablets
- 伤寒、副伤寒甲乙菌苗和破伤风类毒素混合制剂 TABT TAB vaccine and tetanus toxoid combined
- tetanus toxoid TABTD TAB vaccine
- 颅骨外板 tabula externa ossis cranii
- 颅骨内板 tabula interna ossis cranii