- 汽车相关词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 踏板速比 pedal velocity ratio
- 滤膜萃取率 percentage of film taken off
- 滤膜萃取率 percentage of film taken off
- 制动效果百分数 percentage of the braking efficiency
- 制动效果百分数 percentage of the braking efficiency
- 周边视野 peripheral vision field
- 周边视野 peripheral vision field
- 培养皿 petri dish
- 培养皿 petri dish
- 石油基制动液 petroleum base brake fluid
- 石油基制动液 petroleum base brake fluid
- 相 phase
- 相 phase
- 相位角 phase angle
- 相位角 phase angle
- 光电比色法 photoelectric colorimetry method
- 光电比色法 photoelectric colorimetry method
- 光电信号发生器 photoelectric signal generator
- 光电信号发生器 photoelectric signal generator
- 光度特性 photometric characteristics
- 光度特性 photometric characteristics
- 光度仪器 photometric device
- 光度仪器 photometric device
- PH value PH值
- PH value PH值