- 汽车相关词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 橡胶内衬 elastometric lining
- 电磁环境 elecromagnetic environment
- 电磁环境 elecromagnetic environment
- 电磁制动系统 electormagnetic braking sytem
- 电磁制动系统 electormagnetic braking sytem
- 电气元件 electric elements
- 电气元件 electric elements
- 电气设备和操纵件 electric equipment and controls
- 电气设备和操纵件 electric equipment and controls
- 电喇叭 electric horn
- 电喇叭 electric horn
- 电火花 electric spark
- 电火花 electric spark
- 电干扰 electrical distrubance
- 电干扰 electrical distrubance
- 电瞬变 electrical transients
- 电瞬变 electrical transients
- 电传动 electrical transmission
- 电传动 electrical transmission
- 电控喇叭 electrically controlled air horn
- 电控喇叭 electrically controlled air horn
- 电极间隙 electrode gap
- 电极间隙 electrode gap
- 电解液 electrolyte (battery solution)
- 电解液 electrolyte (battery solution)