- 汽车相关词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 支承块 anchor plate
- 支承块 anchor plate
- 无回音室 anechoic room
- 无回音室 anechoic room
- 隔音室 anechoicchamber
- 隔音室 anechoicchamber
- 斜置弹簧离合器 angle-spring clutch
- 斜置弹簧离合器 angle-spring clutch
- 灯具的几何可见度角 angles of geometric visibility of a lamp
- 灯具的几何可见度角 angles of geometric visibility of a lamp
- 天线 antenna
- 天线 antenna
- 天线电动机 antenna motor (aerial motor)
- 天线电动机 antenna motor (aerial motor)
- 防冻液 anti-freeze liquid
- 防冻液 anti-freeze liquid
- 高压阻尼线 anti-interference igniton cable (high resistance cable)
- 高压阻尼线 anti-interference igniton cable (high resistance cable)
- 防铰接系统 anti-link system
- 防铰接系统 anti-link system
- 车轮防抱死装置 anti-lock device
- 车轮防抱死装置 anti-lock device
- 抗静电实心轮胎 anti-static solid tyre
- 抗静电实心轮胎 anti-static solid tyre
- 模拟手 antificial hand