- 汽车专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 内锁止拉杆 I/S locking rod
- 内开启拉杆 I/S release rod
- 标记 Identification Code
- 怠速油管 idle fuel tube
- 怠速油道 idle fuel way
- 怠速喷口 idle jet
- 怠速混合气调整螺钉 idle mixture screw
- 怠速油管 idle tube
- 怠速工况 idling operation
- 怠速 Idling Speed
- 点火线圈 ignition coil
- 点火线圈类型 ignition coil type
- 点火控制器 ignition controler
- 点火钥匙 ignition key
- 点火控制器 ignition module
- 燃点 ignition point
- 点火开关 ignition switch
- 点火系 Ignition System
- 点火线 ignition wire
- 光照轴 Illuminating axis
- 透光面 illuminating surface
- 入射角 Illumination angle
- 光照强度 Illumination intensity
- 回复反射装置的照度 Illumination of the retro-reflecting device
- 实测照度 illuminations actually measured
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