- 林学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 下层疏伐 Thinning in the lower story
- 上层疏伐 Thinning in the upper story
- 疏伐计划 Thinning-plan
- 第三代上木 Third class standard
- 三分点荷重 Third point loading
- 枝刺 Thorn
- 火剌 thorn (Pyracantha coccinea)
- 种子绝对重量 Thousand grain weight
- 三方式循环 Three way circulation
- 茂盛 Thriftiness
- 主伐木 Thriving tree
- 穿式桥 Through-bridge
- 雄蕊 Thrum
- 画眉 Thrush
- 侧柏属 Thuja
- 侧柏油 Thujone
- 电状皱纹 Thunder-shake
- 刺榛 Tibetan hazel (Corylus tibetica, Batal.)
- 同Great tide-land spruce Tideland-spruce
- 抗拉材,沉木 Tie
- 木材波状纹 Tier-like arrangement of wood
- 斑螯 Tiger-beetle
- 同Intergrown knot Tight knot
- 砖形细胞 Tile cell
- 椴(Tilia)叶所含糖原质 Tiliacine