- 林学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 菌环 Ring
- 松树袋腐 Ring scale fungus (Trametes pini, Fr.)
- 同Cup shake Ring shake
- 环状皆伐 Ring-formed clear-cutting
- 环孔材 Ring-pored wood
- 环孔材 Ring-porous wood
- 环纹导管 Ringed vessel
- 环状择伐作业 Ringshaped selection system
- 同Ripping saw Rip-saw
- 经济伐期 Ripe for the axe
- 成熟林分 Ripe stand
- 成熟期 Ripeness for felling
- 裁边锯 Ripping-edger
- 解锯 Ripping-saw
- 木材之波状纹 Ripple mark of wood
- 急煑法(Quick cooking process.) Ritter-kellner process
- 水上集材场 River depot
- 帽钉接合 River joint
- 流域 River-basin
- 同Red birch River-birch
- 鋲接 Rivet(t)ing
- 道路 Road
- 筑路 Road building
- 筑路 Road construction
- 养路 Road maintenance