- 林学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 胶素纤维素 Pecto-cellulose
- 里程计 Pedometer
- 花梗 Peduncle
- 剥皮杆材 Peeled biliet-wood
- 剥皮器 Peeler
- 印度菩提树 Peepul tree (Ficus religiosa, Linn.)
- 泥炭 Peet
- 支柱,坑木 Peg
- 白兰花 Pei Lan Hwa (Michelia champaca, Linn.)
- 海棠果 (海红) Peking flowering crab (Malus prunifolia, Borkh.)
- "聂? " Pendulum-saw
- 渗润 Penetration
- 五碳醣 Pentosan
- 芍药 Peony (Paeonia albiflora, Pall.)
- 胡椒油 Pepper oil
- 同Giant gum Peppermint gum
- 树皮率 Percent of bark
- 纯度 Percentage of purity
- 滤过法 Percolation method
- 浸出器 Percolator
- 雷管 Percussion-cap
- 宿根植物,多年生植物 Perennial plants
- 多孔蒸气管 Perforated steam pipe
- 穿孔 Perforation
- 穿孔膜 Perforation plate