- 林学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 预备伐 Preparatory stage
- 同preparatory thinning Preparatory thinning
- 前更新法 Preregeneration
- 渐伐作业,前更新作业 Preregeneration system
- 前价,现价 Present value
- 蓄积,现在蓄积 Present yield
- 贮藏,保存 Preservation
- 地力保持 Preservation of fertility
- 野生动物保养 Preservation of games
- 木材保存 Preservation of wood
- 木材保存法 Preservation process of wood
- 同Antiseptic Preservative
- 普氏生长锥 Pressler borer
- 减压瓣 Pressure-reducing valve
- 支配木,优势木 Prevailing stem
- 主风 Prevailing wind
- 预防法 Preventative measure
- 预防矫正法 Prevention and remedy
- 预防法 Preventive measure
- 早春景色 Prevernal aspect
- 腾贵生长率 Price growth percent
- 腾贵生长 Price increment
- 腾贵生长率 Price increment percent
- 计件工资 Price wages
- 刺,皮刺 Prickle