- 林学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 混流涡轮 Mixed flow turbine
- 混交林 Mixed forest
- 块状混交林 Mixed forest in groups
- 下种萌芽林 Mixed seeding and sprout forest
- 混交林 Mixed stand
- 混交林 Mixed wood
- 混芽 Mixed-bud
- 块状混交 Mixture by group
- 散生混交 Mixture by isolated plants
- 散生混交 Mixture by single trees
- 块状混交 Mixture in group
- 毛山核桃 Mockernut bickory (Carya tomentosa, Nutt.)
- 白山核桃 Mockernut(Hicoria alba, Britton.)
- 森林经营法 Mode of treatment
- 法正林 Model forest
- 标准木 Model tree
- 缓斜 (倾斜度11.20度之间者) Moderate
- 适深(12-24吋) Moderate
- 适斜(8 °─16 °) Moderate
- 中庸干燥度 Moderate drying
- 郁闭疏开 Moderate opening of canopy
- 适度疏伐 Moderate thinning
- 弹性系数 Modulus of elasticity
- 木材弹性系数 Modulus of elasticity of wood
- 工程量系数 Modulus of resilience