- 林学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 中庸疏密度 Intermediate
- 补植 Intermediate Culture
- 前伐,间伐 Intermediate cutting
- 同intermediate cutting Intermediate fellings
- 补充纤维 Intermediate fiber
- 中间检订 Intermediate revision
- 中途期 Intermediate stage
- 中庸木 Intermediate tree
- 间收获 Intermediate yield
- 混植 Intermingle
- 隔年经营 Intermittent management
- 继续推进 Intermittent propulsion
- 隔年择伐 Intermittent selection
- 间歇的蒸汽处理 Intermittent steaming
- 间断作业 Intermittent working
- 内部干裂 Internal checks
- 内燃机 Internal combustion engine
- 材内筛部 Internal phloem
- 内部应力 Internal stress
- 隔壁 Internal wall
- 节间 Internode
- 郁闭破坏 Interruption of the canopy
- 交切点 Intersection point
- 州际公园 Interstate park
- 导管间纹孔 Intervessel pit