- 林学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 两性花 Hermaphrodites
- 鲱骨纹 Herringbone figure
- 柑果 Hesperidium
- 异种寄生 Heteroecism
- 异型髓线,异型辐射线 Heterogeneous ray
- 披方(削去圆材四周所造成木材 Heveene
- 披方,方材 Hew
- 披锯用具 Hewing and sawing implements
- 披方 (厚6吋以上,宽达厚之三倍者) Hewn squares
- 越冬一年生植物 Hibernal annual plants
- 越冬 Hibernate
- 越冬 Hibernation
- 山核桃 Hickory (Carya)
- 乔林作业 High forest system
- 高沼泽地 High moor
- 同Highmoor High peat-bog
- 高轮车 High wheeler
- 胸高水车 High-breast wheel
- 高级木材 High-class timber
- 乔林 High-forest
- 伞伐作业 High-forest compartment system
- 保地作业 High-forest with soil protection wood
- 堆植法 High-planting
- 大圆材 High-pole
- 公路 High-road