- 林学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 崩坏 Disintegration
- 圆盘 Disk
- 圆锯 Disk-saw
- 分散角 Dispertive angle
- 木材交付 Disposal of wood
- 先天性 Disposition
- 叶之配置 Disposition of leaves
- 干材 Dissected bole
- 同bucking Dissecting
- 切段 Dissection
- 传播,播种 Dissemination
- 干距比较 Distance figure
- 两列的 Distichous
- 蒸馏 Distillation
- 分布荷重 Distributed load
- 分布 Distribution
- 龄级配置 Distribution of age-classes
- 植树网 Distribution of plants
- 曲,林班,事业分区 District
- 林区署 District forest-office
- 林区区长 District forester
- 管理区 District of a forestranger
- 管理区 District of a forestwarden
- 保护区 District of a guard
- 林区署 District office