- 流体力学英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 网格雷诺数 cell Reynolds number
- "条件 Courant- Friedrichs- Lewy condition CFL condition"
- 壅塞 choking
- 爬升效应 climbing effect
- 共旋导数 co-rotational derivative, Jaumann derivative
- 渗透系数 coefficient of permeability
- 粘聚力 cohesion
- 配置方法 collocation method
- 紧差分格式 compact difference scheme
- 协调条件 compatibility condition
- 余本构关系 complementary constitutive relations
- 错综度 complexity
- 计算区域 computational domain
- 计算流体力学 computational fluid mechanics
- 浓度 concentration
- 凝结 condensation
- 传导 conduction
- 热传导 conductive heat transfer
- 守恒差分格式 conservation difference scheme
- 守恒型 conservation form
- 稠度 consistency
- 相容条件 consistency condition
- 固结 consolidation
- 固结仪 consolidometer
- 混合物组份 constituents of a mixture
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