- 物理专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 第五种基本力 fifth fundamental force
- 图形 figure
- 优值 figure of merit
- 噪声指数 figure of noise
- 文件 file
- 满带 filled band
- 满带能级 filled level
- 满壳层 filled shell
- 软片 film
- 胶片剂量计 film badge
- 膜态沸腾 film boiling
- 胶片剂量计 film dosimeter
- 膜状凝结 film type condensation
- 滤器滤光器滤波器 filter
- 过滤 filtration
- 最终产物 final product
- 终态相互酌 final state interaction
- 极限真空 final vacuum
- 取景器 finder
- 寻星镜 finding telescope
- 微粒子 fine particle
- 精细结构 fine structure
- 精细结构常数 fine structure constant
- 精细结构劈裂 fine structure splitting
- 锐度 finesse