- 物理专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 禁戒 forbiddenness
- 力 force
- 力函数 force function
- 引力 force of attraction
- 重力 force of gravity
- 惯性力 force of inertia
- 斥力 force of repulsion
- 滚动摩擦力 force of rolling friction
- 滑动摩擦力 force of sliding friction
- 力的多边形 force polygon
- 力的三角形 force triangle
- 强制循环 forced circulation
- 强制对流 forced convection
- 强迫发射 forced emission
- 受迫振荡 forced oscillations
- 受迫振荡 forced vibration
- 强迫涡流 forced vortex
- 前级真空 fore vacuum
- 预报 forecast
- 太阳活动预告 forecast of solar activity
- 杂质原子 foreign atom
- 预备真空泵 forepump
- 叉式装置 fork mounting
- 型阻 form drag
- 形状因子 form factor