- 物理专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 发动机 engine
- 应用声学 engineering acoustics
- 浓缩燃料堆 enriched reactor
- 浓缩铀 enriched uranium
- 浓缩 enrichment
- 系综 ensemble
- 系综平均 ensemble average
- 缠结 entanglement
- 焓 enthalpy
- 入射角 entrance angle
- 入射光瞳 entrance pupil
- 熵 entropy
- 熵图 entropy diagram
- 熵弹性 entropy elasticity
- 熵流 entropy flow
- 激活熵 entropy of activation
- 混合熵 entropy of mixing
- 熵产生 entropy production
- 熵波 entropy wave
- 环境辐射 environmental radiation
- 酶 enzyme
- 历表 ephemeris
- 历书时 ephemeris time
- 外延生长 epitaxial growth
- 外延层 epitaxial layer