- 晶体学英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 总漏率 integral leakage
- 总谱线宽度 integral line-breadth
- 广义能量积分 integral of generalized energy?
- 广义动量积分 integral of generalized momentum
- 运动积分量 integral of motion
- 整体尺度 integral scale
- 积分变换 integral transform
- 被积函数 integrand
- 积分器 integraph
- 集成电路 integrated circuit (IC)
- 积体电子学 integrated electronics
- 积分通量 integrated flux
- 累积强度 integrated intensity
- 积体光学 integrated opitcs
- 积体光路 integrated optical circuit
- 累积反射 integrated reflection
- 累计剂量计 integrating dosimeter
- 累计电流计 integrating galvanometer
- 累积电离室 integrating ionization chamber
- 积分光度计 integrating photometer
- 积分[法] integration
- 积分仪 integrator
- 增强;强化 intensification
- (一)增强器;(二)增强剂 intensifier
- 增光屏 intensifying screen