- 晶体学英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 热梯度 heat gradient
- 热风器 heat gun
- 热绝缘体 heat insulator
- 热交换 heat interchange
- 热负载 heat load
- 热耗损 heat loss
- 吸附热 heat of adsorption
- 化合热 heat of combination
- 燃烧热 heat of combustion
- 凝结热 heat of condensation
- 结晶热 heat of crystallization
- 分解热 heat of decomposition
- 退吸热 heat of desorption
- 稀释热 heat of dilution
- 解离热 heat of dissociation
- 溶解热 heat of dissolution
- 蒸发热 heat of evaporation
- 生成热 heat of formation
- 熔化热 heat of fusion (=head of melting)
- 水合热 heat of hydration
- 电离热 heat of ionization
- 氧化热 heat of oxidation
- 反应热 heat of reaction
- 还原热 heat of reduction
- 溶解热 heat of solution