- 高能物理专业英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 溴化锌窗 window, zinc-bromide
- 文治克耳〔英国原子能中心之一〕 Windscale
- 向风墙 windward wall
- 酒瓶势位 winebottle potential
- 翼;盘 wing
- 曲线翼 wing of the curve
- 共振曲线翼 wings of the resonance level
- 擦拭 wipe
- 擦拭试验 wipe test
- 拭去 wipe-out
- 搅拌膜蒸发器 wiped-film evaporator
- 刮刷封环 wiper seal
- 金属线 wire
- 线网除雾器 wire mesh demister
- 丝穿透计 wire penetrometer
- 丝线扫描仪 wire scanner
- 线〔辐射〕源 wire source
- 抽出 withdraw
- 抽出命令 withdraw command
- 抽出驱动阀 withdraw drive valve
- 抽出排气阀 withdraw exhaust valve
- 抽出总管 withdraw header
- 抽出管 withdraw line
- 抽出电磁阀 withdraw solenoid valve
- 抽出 withdrawal