- 高能物理专业英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 分析试样 sampling , analytical
- 污染取样 sampling , contamination
- 机械取样 sampling , mechanical
- 远隔取样 sampling , remote
- 沙 sand
- 沙滤器 sand filter
- 沙过滤 sand filtration
- 砂石 sandstone
- 中间夹心 ; 层迭 sandwich
- 层迭侦检器 sandwich detector
- 两面照射 sandwich irradiation
- 更迭层法 sandwich method
- 插入乳胶法 sandwich technique
- 夹入其中 sandwiched-in
- 箔夹入 sandwich, foil
- 照相底片夹入 sandwich, of photographic plates
- 独居石矿砂 sand, monazite
- 卫生工程 sanitary engineering
- 卫生污物 sanitary waste
- 卫生污水 sanitary waste water
- 铝粉烧结合金 SAP alloy; sintered aluminium powder
- 萨菲尔〔沉没式实验反应器名称〕 Sapphir
- 肉瘤 sarcoma
- 辐射致瘤 sarcomas due to radiation
- 沙井特曲线 Sargent curves