- 高能物理专业英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 尖峰堆积 peak pile up
- 尖峰压力 peak pressure
- 尖峰压力试验 peak pressure test
- 尖峰脉冲电压 peak pulse voltage
- 尖峰棒必v peak rod power
- 尖峰表面热通率 peak surface heat flux
- 尖峰瞬态压力 peak transient pressure
- 尖峰瞬态温度 peak transient temperature
- 尖峰工作压力 peak working pressure
- 峰谷比值 peak-to-vally ratio
- 尖峰比 peaking
- 尖峰因数 peaking factor
- 尖峰通率 peaking flux
- 放大器感应尖峰 peaking of amplifier response
- 〔反应器〕曲率尖峰 peaking of the buckling
- 尖峰必v peaking power
- 通率尖峰 peaking, flux
- 向前散射峰值 peaking, forward
- 水隙尖峰 peaking, water-hole
- 未分辨尖峰 peaks, unresolved
- 布勒格峰值 peak, Bragg
- 扩散峰值 peak, diffusr
- 弹性〔散射〕峰值 peak, elastic
- 通率峰值 peak, flux
- 向前〔散射〕峰值 peak, forward