- 光学&天文学专业术语英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 聚光透镜 condensing-lens
- 条件方程式 condition equation
- 闭合条件 condition for closure
- 强制符合条件 condition for constrained annexation
- 平衡条件 condition of equivalency
- 交会条件 condition of intersection
- 正交条件 condition of orthogonality
- 条件观测 conditional observation
- 调节器 conditioner
- 光传导电缆 conducting cable light
- 圆锥角环带法,解析摄影测量 cone angle banding
- 光锥 cone of light
- 轮廓线 configuration line
- 结构图,山脉略图 configuration map
- 构形矩阵 configuration matrix
- 地形 configuration of ground
- 地形形貌 configuration of terrain
- 共焦曲线 confocal curve
- 共焦椭球体 confocal ellipsoid
- 可相乘矩阵 conformable matrix
- 正形 conformal
- 正方位正形投影 conformal azimuthal projection
- 正形圆锥投影 conformal cone projection
- 正形投影 conformal map projection
- 正形投影 conformal projection