- 光学&天文学专业术语英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 横距闭合差 closing error in departure
- 纵距闭合 closing error in latitude
- 闭合线路 closing line
- 闭合点 closing station
- 水平角闭合,全水平角观测 closing the horizon
- 闭合差 closure error
- 三角形闭合差 closure error of triangle
- 水平角闭合 closure of horizon
- 导线闭合差 closure of traverse
- 布质地图 cloth map
- 布卷尺 cloth tape
- 克罗梭曲线 Clothoid curve
- 星团 cluster
- 余赤纬 co-declination
- 共线 co-linear
- 共有人 co-owner
- 共有 co-ownership
- 等潮线 co-range line
- 汽车路 coach road
- 天顶距 coaltitude
- 初步调整 coarse adjustment
- 粗调 coarse balance
- 粗动 coarse drive
- 粗颗粒 coarse grains
- 粗线,模糊线 coarse line