航偏角 angle of drift偏心角 angle of eccentricity仰角 angle of elevation出射角 angle of emergence视野角,视场角 angle of field大地线切线角 angle of geodesic coutingence坡度角 angle of gradient横斜角 angle of heel水平旋转角 angle of horizontal swing照明角度 angle of illumination入射角 angle of incidence倾角 angle of inclination凹角 angle of incurvature交角 angle of intersection倾斜角 angle of obliquity定向角 angle of orientation视差角 angle of parallax摄影视场角 angle of photographic coverage俯仰角,坡度角,螺距角 angle of pitch投射角 angle of projection弪角 angle of radian反射角 angle of reflection折射角 angle of refraction静止角 angle of repose旋转角 angle of rotation语际翻译 版权所有
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